Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Annual Student Information Update

Please watch for the following letter to arrive in the mail within the next few days. It was mailed Friday, August 14, 2020. Your Skyward Family Access user name and password will be included in the mailed letter.

WELCOME BACK BULLDOG FAMILIES! This has been an unprecedented year and now more than ever we are looking forward to working with you and your students as we return to learning. As decided at the School Board meeting on Tuesday, August 11, we will begin the 2020-2021 school year remotely until it’s deemed safe for our students and staff to return to in-person learning.

While we know there continues to be questions regarding the upcoming school year, we are working very hard to get answers out to you. Detailed information on remote learning, materials, chromebook check-out, etc. will be sent home, emailed and posted on our website in the days to come. We encourage parents/guardians to check the district and school websites at and by logging into your Skyward Family Access, as information will be updated in both places regularly.  

For now, the one thing which hasn’t changed is the “Annual Student Information Update”.  We will be using online forms to update information for students - this information will be required for all students. Upon completion of families selecting their program of choice, rosters will be updated and your child’s teacher will be shared via Skyward on August 31.

The “Annual Student Information Update” will open on Monday, August 17 and close on Sunday, August 23. This timeline allows staff to finalize and update class rosters for each program. Therefore, we ask families to please do the following: 

  1. Log into your Skyward Family Access account and complete the information update process. The first step will be to complete the Pandemic Response form. This will include choosing either the:

    • In-Person Program: This program is linked to a classroom teacher and will start the year in “Remote Learning” and blend into “In-Person Learning” when it is safe for our students and staff; or,

    • M.O.D.E.L. Program: This virtual program is linked to a M.O.D.E.L. teacher and provides students and families the ability to have a flexible schedule. 

  2. Verify your contact information (i.e., address, phones, and emergency contacts).  

  3. Complete additional steps in order to finalize your child’s registration for the 2020-2021 school year. These forms still need to be completed, even though we are starting remotely. They include: food service, health information, photo/video authorization, etc.

The link to Skyward is located on the Montesano School District website at Please refer to the letter you will receive in the mail for your user name and password.

If you need access to a computer or assistance with Skyward, you can call or email your respective school offices.  We are here to serve and help you any way we can. Enjoy your last few weeks of summer!


Chris Cady, Simpson Elementary Principal

Barbara Page, Beacon Elementary Principal